Sunday, July 17, 2011

Summer Sweats

Hey wizards!
The temperature is rising for the long summer and it's about time for us wizards to take a vacation. We study year round at Ravenwood, and we just need a break from the work. Today, I moved into my summer home, just because I was tired of the cold of my Ice House and Wintertusk. Don't get me wrong, us Ice Wizards love the cold, but I needed some sun and water that would be a safe temperature for swimming. It isn't much but I have a few pictures from the summer home.
Overlooking the cottage.

Campfire for hanging out with friends and spending time with my beloved pets.

She came to say hello and join the party.

Looking up on the cottage

My dragoness hanging out on the picnic/grassy beach area.

I can't help but do some work while I'm here

Main Floor.

Summer Bedroom.

I hope you like it. A few days here and I'll be set to go back to Wintertusk and endure the cold for quite a while. Summer classes in Ravenwood are the best. It seems that people are actually more focused in the heat, it's so different than earth. Plus you don't really have to look to far to get some homework help. Ohh the reasons I love this school.

See you in the Spiral!
-Elizabeth Sparklebreeze

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